
Friday, December 25, 2009

What I did on Christmas Eve...

On Christmas eve, I drove to school, and got stuck with many cars going in and out of the driveway.  It is PMR results day and parents brought their kids to get the results. So I went to disturb the form teachers and read some of the students result slips: Nicholas Joel Thomson 7As, Kevyn Dexter 7As, Gordon Tay 7As...nearly all the drama, debate and public speaking boys had straight As, some missed because of Chinese,  so I got fed up of reading, all "A"s....hmmph!.....then I saw Mr. Wong, he was beaming happily: Then he gave me work: "Mrs Tay, I want the minutes of the BOG immediately, put it on the server or the school portal!"......doesn't he know it's Christmas.........? (Anyway, I had it ready, but not published yet, in my own server)! BTW Mbs has 77 straight As and  more than a 100 As and Bs.

Picture taken from my windscreen...for once parents are allowed to drive in

I had to give way!

my aim in going to school was to run errand: pay the signboard license money for my husband, at DBKL which I need to take the LRT from the school.

This is the Horley Link.....I can count the no. of times I use it....! Not many! I always use my car....but this Horley Link is SOOOOO Convenient! I had tried to drive to Sogo, but I got hopelessly lost, so today I took the LRT.  Costs me RM2.50 two and fro, just imagine the petrol that I used going round in circles, getting stuck in jams, and ending up in Bukit Bintang, Bukit Nanas and Sentul.
When I got off at Stesen Bandaraya, right in front was Sogo, then I walked to DBKL to pay the signboard license. After that I went to Sogo for lunch.

I had printed this voucher, so I am going to redeem it for lunch at a Japanese restaurant called "SOGO" It is worth RM12.00

nice or not?  Window display only!

so yummy, what to choose?

glazed, but look so real

the interior of the restaurant

this is what I ordered: the salmon

with fruits

amd miso soup

he he, my complete meal, that I ate in my room in front of the TV, my free lunch!

Coming back from the LRT, the first sight that greeted me was my bamboo grove...

the bamboo trees have grown, forming an arch, one tree has died, (which isn't so other trees especially the weeping willows have ALL died, except one, near the bell tower) and the path is botak from all the students' feet that traversed here everyday...

nice or not?

At the end of the tunnel was my car!! How convenient that is!!! I will now use the LRT more often! Reduce my carbon footprints! Save petrol! Reduce stress of driving through traffic jams!!

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