
Friday, February 26, 2010

CNY Visit to Auntie Betty/Uncle's Veg Plot

Auntie has had a bad bout of diabetes so we visited her on CNY, on our way back from Singapore.  Aunt is camera-shy as she is not ready...but Uncle looks in the pink of health!

Let me take you to see my vegetable plot
His plot is so well tended, he has been featured in a Chinese daily before:
顏泰發(68歲,樂齡人士):種菜當休閒活動 “菜園不是作為私人用途,純粹是作為退休人士的休閒活動、聯絡彼此之間感情。” 樂齡人空地闢菜園 空地種菜純屬休閒活動

(Sin Chew Jit Poh, Sunday 9 August 2009)

er, don't ask me to translate, I did not recieve Chinese education!

Wow! he really worked the land!

er....I do not know the names of the vegetable plants!!
yam, I think

He gets a pair of scissors/shears to cut veg for us

this vegetable is delectable cooked in soup with ikan bilis and salted egg

Uncle just simply put it inside his maggi mee

succulent and juicy
he has even dug a well to source for water

this species of miniature hibiscus does not open fully
and looks like the chili padi plant!
that day was a scorcher!

pegaga which he says is a weed


the plot is situated next to the community centre
who knows? one day they will choose him to be their representative!

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