
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Add More Years to Your Life and More Life to Your Years

Thought that this talk will benefit me so dutifully I trotted off to the Gardens Cocoon section to attend this talk and maybe learn how to add more years to my life (I already have enough life in my years).

Turned out to be quite insightful as the doctor, Dr Mohammad was witty, funny and truthful.  Ageing is unavoidable and the toxins in our air, water and food are not helping us any.  Fret not, there is a place called
Heath Pathway at the Gardens where you can go for all your Age-related needs.

One of the doctors from Health Pathway giving a talk on ageing

She manages Health Pathway with her sisters and brother who are doctors too (her mum said at my table and divulged this info to me-proud mum!
Harvard trained Dr Mohamad
Interesting Indian-inspired decor for the high tea table
hmmmmnn-not a bad high tea!

Nurses from Health Pathway

I particularly liked this sexy statuette

with her garland of those flowers I always see sold by the roadside whenever there is an Indian festival

Doc's mum keep on asking me to help myself to the sandwiches which she says are from their restaurant.  Not only do they have their own clinics, and this anti ageing place called Health Pathway, they also have a restaurant

Then I was brought upstairs to Health Pathway for a conducted tour
the reception

the waiting room

tastefully decorated waiting room...but I did not go inside....
doorgifts was this face towel and some phamplets

when I am old, rickety and losing my hair, my teeth, my looks, my everything, I will need the services of Health Pathway. I am keeping Dr Jeswinder's businesscard.

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