
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Agilent sponsors MBS newspapers

Pn Nirmala handed me a letter and asked me to attend the mock cheque ceremony of Agilent sponsoring our school's Star newspaper on Mondays which has the pullout: F1F2 and F4F5.

I had to bring 4 students, so I entered my Upper 6 Wesley and 4 boys eagerly volunteered to go.

We thought it was a simple thing, so we finished our class first, and even went to the canteen for breakfast. When we reached there (late!) there was a welcoming person waiting to bring us up to Level 2 of Damansara Uptown 2.

Agilent representative giving her welcoming address.
Leanne Goh, the Star NIE editor

Anwar Abdullah from Agilent giving a presentation on  Agilent
From the MOE (Ministry of Education)!!En Halim

For Star...we had to pose with NIE pullouts...
conducted tour of Agilent...(they sell it so much, now I wanna work there!)

even when we are listening to his talk, we had to make sure the NIE pullout is in view!!


Posing. Posing! With F123F45 newspapers and Agilent equipment.
Lunch!!! Down at the terrace

Agilent is fortunate to get the 2nd floor which has this landscaped water feature for no extra cost
Our lunch venue overlooks this

We were very sad, bec we had a heavy breakfast at our school canteen! Then we went to Subway Sandwich and looked at it sadly, because we were too full! We did not even have the mood to ta pau Subway!!

From left to right: Leong Choy Meng, Koh Peng Seng, Dhilip Kumar and Ow Ji Jim.

Remember Ben Johnson when he tested positive for steroid abuse? Agilent was the one who nailed him.

 "Remember the melamine scare? Agilent did the testing. Do you know when we take urine tests? Suspect actually has to pee in front of doctor...suspect can easily put a bag of clean urine under his arm, feed it into catether (er, I can't spell that) and press pee into the cup for testing.....

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