
Monday, May 3, 2010

Tokio Hotel Concert, Central Park One Utama

Have you heard of Tokio Hotel? I haven't!!! But I went to their concert!

Bill Kaulitz live on stage on 1 Maly 2010. (picture from

"But most importantly to the adoring crowd, lead singer Bill Kaulitz stole the spotlight with his high flying faux hawk and arena sized gestures"

My big daughter had two tickets to the Tokio Hotel concert and since she isn't around, I took my pre-teen there.
Collected the tickets from the booth sponsored by TM

This is her first concert...
After redeeming the tickets, we saw this:

A wet stage!

the back drop of the stage that can be seen from outside (it is a free concert but you need passes to get in )

 AAAAAAAND......a loooooonnnnng queue
 I am used to this!!! I've been through this when I brought my then teenaged daughter to concerts
 and autograph signings! (deja vu?)

Litter left after the earlier event by TM

 the TM entrance to the concert venue
 Radio Era covered the concert.....Hitz.FM too:
Anticipating the long wait, we went for dinner
my popiah (RM4.50)
 Her mee rebus (RM7.50)

 We even bought her Kamus Dewan 4th Edition and another VAMPIRE book from MPH
 Saw this jam from the MPH window
 cars leaving One U

 We went back to the stage, Pop Shuvit opened the act

Pop Shuvit is a Malaysian independent rap-rock band. Comprising Moots! (vocals), JD (guitar), AJ (bass), Rudy (drums) and Uno (turntables), the band who got its name from a skateboarding trick of almost the same name began making waves in the local music scene in late 2001 and since then, has had 4 successful releases under their belt and gained a sizable fanbase in Asia notably in Malaysia, Japan, Thailand and Singapore. Known for their adrenaline-packed live shows and eclectic blend of hip hop and rock, Pop Shuvit are being touted as Asia’s leading Hip Hop Rock band.

Pop Shuvit (BEST MUSIC VIDEO AIM2010!!!): General Info
Member Since 6/8/2004
Band Website
Band Members Pop Shuvit is:

Moots! : Vocals
Rudy : Drums
AJ : Bass
JD : Guitar
Uno : Turntables/Keys
For Show Bookings Only 

 followed by Bunkface

Current members of Bunkface:

Local Band: Bunkface...From left to right: Sam, Youk and Paan.

Bunkface had a hit (Through My Window):

Through My Window

Bunkface has joined the Everyone Connects campaign by TMNet and sung the song Through My Window which was used in the campaign's television advertisement. The song was first heard over the airwaves when an anonymous CD arrived at radio stations in the country.[5] This mystery generated an immediate buzz among the public, who wondered who the artist behind the song were. Bunkface's popularity soared when it was revealed that it was them who sung the song. Discussed widely throughout Facebook and Twitter, the song was said by many to be viral and infectious. Its fan base so far numbers more than 17,000 and it has garnered more than 3.7 million online mentions and over 6,600 video and audio uploads on Facebook[6]. The song even attracted a large crowd to a public sing-along at Jalan Bukit Bintang which also became the largest sing-along event in Malaysia

and they have won a few awards:

  • 2009 Shout! Awards: Rockstar Awards, Break Out Award, as well as the The Ultimate Shout! Award.[8]

  • 2009 Anugerah Juara Lagu: Finalist (for the song Situasi)[9]

  • 2010 Anugerah Industri Muzik: Kembara Award & Best Rock Song (for the song Situasi)[10]

  •  then we waited for eternity for Tokio Hotel to appear!

    Show is slated to start at 6, but Tokio Hotel appeared at 9!

    yup, this is the same picture again, the only picture I have! I have a confession to make: we did not dare to go in because we do not fancy being squashed back and front by screaming, sweating, humans.  Like my daughter said : "Mum, don't you think I'm too young and you're too old?" HA HA HA HA!!!!! How True!

    Security was very good...see this woman "sek kiu "
     And lots of uniformed security men everywhere, in fact a scuffle broke out and these people sprang into action and overpowered them...(they need to be buffer and hunkier though!)

    I found this blog while googling Tokio Hotel...I reprint this because it is VERY well written, and echoed all my sentiments:

    Let me be straight up with you, I am neither a fan nor a hater of Tokio Hotel as they've always kind a existed on the periphery of my musical net. And knowing that the crowd that would be present in front of One U waiting for the German pop rockers would mostly be pre-pubescent/tween/adolescent/whatever we're calling it these days, I was filled with a kind of trepidation as I drove to One U that sunny afternoon.

    One look around the mall told me I was right in suspected I was going to be awash in a sea of blossoming pheromones awaiting the ridiculously beautiful Bill Kaulitz, peppered in between with black clad scene kids in Avenged Sevenfold t-shirts (further denying A7X any metal cred whatsoever). Stepping out of the mall however, yielded a far more impressive sight- a long line snaking to the entrance of the cordoned off performance area, will stalwart fans waiting in the spluttering fits of sporadic rain.

    And finally at 6-ish, Pop Shuvit made their way onstage to a rather energetic crowd (give yourselves a round of applause!), playing a 5 song set that got people jumping around. They finished their set to 'Marabahaya', though we saw some hints that there was lip-synching going on (Shhh!). Half an hour later Bunkface got onstage to similiar effect, plugging their latest album 'Phobia Phoney'. We then noticed people heading back in for a drink while crew started setting up Tokio Hotel's gear.

    Soon enough, a heartbeat raced over the monitors, and the crowd went insane. True to my noob-ish knowledge of Tokio Hotel, I failed to recognize a few songs, but nonetheless I noticed the arrival of crowd favorite songs like breakout single 'Ready, Set, Go', 'Pain of Love', 'Human Connect To Human', 'World Behind My Walls', and of course their robot love song, 'Automatic'. I have to give Tokio Hotel this, as much as I am ambivalent to most of their musical output, they are a very, very tight band, with their guitars, bass and drums fully audible and played without a single hitch.

    But most importantly to the adoring crowd, lead singer Bill Kaulitz stole the spotlight with his high flying faux hawk and arena sized gestures. His vocal performance was impeccable, as good as it is on the record itself, with backing vocals provided by bassist Georg and guitarist Tom. While tonight was only a showcase, Tokio Hotel definitely proved they're growing into a force to be reckoned with. Their tight musicianship definitely is proof of how long these boys have been playing together, and demonstrated a caliber that even a hardened skeptic had to concede to.

    I still not a fan, but I for one enjoyed their show, even as Bill earnestly belted out closer 'Monsoon' to a crowd that was obviously screaming "Danke schön Tokio Hotel!"


    1. ahahaha they was one of the things we had to do for German last year.
      German > Music > Tokio Hotel / Beethoven

    2. Both of them are iconic for Germany, I suppose, Beethoven for the classics and Tokio Hotel for the new wave

    3. I heard Tokio Hotel performed that day. Cuz my dad had to pick my brother from 1u after my bro's outing. I only like 1 song, Automatic. I am not a huge Tokio Hotel fan...hehe... are their songs nice??
