
Saturday, September 11, 2010

10.9.10 Open House at Dr Amir Lee's

On the first day of Raya we went to Dr Amir Lee's house in Kajang for Open House.

This is his neighbour's house. Notice that it is built on the verge of the road, on a slope.
Crossing the road to go to his house.
Dr Amir is waiting to welcome us. His wife is the head of parisitology at GH.

One Malaysia...some Indian guests are leaving.
Dr.Tay is happy to see Dr Lee
the buffet spread is catered.
Dr Koo

with Dr Gan, dermatologist, also Richard Gan and Alex Gan's father (my students)
For their google group
Dr Gan brought his youngest daughter too
Adeline is Richard and Alex's sister

with Adrian from the obituary section, NST

The house is interesting because it is on a slope
feels like a hill resort
with its tiers
and columns
and a Romeo and Juliet balcony!

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