
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Girls' Night Out

Five of us girls in the house had a girls' night out 
or Buka Puasa buffett at Dorsett Regency
Me and Miss Philippines(Emel) and Miss Indonesia(Tuti) two maids
...time to give them a treat.
  The first time that we can all go out together without one of us staying back to look after Grandfather!

Pn Khaw had some vouchers left from her Prefects' Annual Dinner and she gave them to me at a discount!!

The first time too for Tuti to experience a Buka Puasa buffet dinner at a hotel
Happy happy!
Mel has looked after this little girl even before she was born!
Melbourne girl so happy she can join us

even the staircase landing had food stalls
Toots, S, J, and Mel.

Happy happy happy!
Girls from the Philippines and Indonesia.

My helpers!

My daughters!!!
My main course, sinfully dripping with curry, gravy and kuah (all the breaking fast Malay staples of fish head, lala lemak, lamb, beef...yum yum)
I never give oysters a miss, the cold cut and carbonara pasta was hmmmmm yummy!
creepy hands that were uncannily disembodied
still young, still can pay half price for buffet and still wearing baby KIKO!!!
centrepiece decor with ketupats and raya chasing lights
out of my window : the Ritz Carlton

How was your Buka Puasa?
Have a nice Hari Raya!!
Enjoy your holidays!