
Thursday, October 14, 2010


One Friday, 8 October, 2010, we went to Ikea to buy Detolf shelves for the archive. This trip has been put off many times, and we were supposed to go last Friday after the Form 6 exam as arranged by Choy Meng. It did not materialised as I felt tired after school and went home to catch up on my sleep!!! I re-scheduled it and this time Choy Meng could not make it...these other kids did!

I waited in my car for a long time!! No wonder! These girls took time to change into their retail therapy gear.
First...we must go for the infamous IKEA MEATBALLS!!! We took one big plate (10 ballies) and 2 kids' meal (5 ballies)...3 mushroom soups, kampung rice and vegie dish for vegan Dhilip.

Saying grace already? Shouldn't we wait till we get a table?

Peng Seng moved just as I was trying to take his photo, Yuen Wai is hot on his heels.
Don't you just dig the cute innovative food trolley?

Vegetarian pasta

Kampung Fried Rice with chicken wing


Meatballs! Meatballs!

soup soup soupclose up shot of vegetarian pasta...he did not like it...he did not finish it....


We ate at leisure, and I was fascinated by the many different lamps used by Ikea for the dining hall

this is one of them

Yin Tong under the lamp
lamp no 2
lamp no 3
lamp no 4 ....which lamp would you choose for your dining room?
Ikea ice cream is also de rigeur (how to spell ah)

the serious business of buying the racks
black and white shelf
Luckily we had 3 refills of coffee, cuppucino and soft drinks!!!! to give us the strength!

Friday is a good day to shop...ample parking, minimal jam .... a breeze to drive back to MBS
so happy, such a fun outing!
Wish Uncle Wong give us more money to do this more often!!!

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