
Friday, February 11, 2011

11 Feb 2011, Cross Country

Cross Country is held on Friday today....and the students are gathered at the Dataran (courtyard).......huge, isn't it?

students sat according to their houses, I am in red house.
students distributing buns to students and teachers, I got raspberry bun!

my "pra universiti" student, Amirrul going for his PBSM duty, he will appear in the PreU blog.
Pn Jordhana!
this is the part I like! the senamrobik or aerobic session
the one in blue is the Senior Assisstant, Mrs R, she is so sporting
he he he!
talented dancer who led the aerobics

aerial view of the humonguous quadrangle, I finished the aerobic dance and went upstairs to complete my Form 6 Folio. Today we have to hand it up for Headmistress to sign.
I saw the teachers waiting at the pergola

bird's eye view of the teachers' pergola and the students before they went off on their cross country run. I did not join them because it was too hot!

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