
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sin Mee Heng Mee Rebus for Breakfast Reunion

When I was young, (yes, another 'when I was young' story) I and my hang-out buddy, KGY, or Yan, loved to cycle to Jalan Sultanah to have our fill of the most delicious and scrumptious MEE REBUS at a shop called Sin Mee Heng.

This is the same MEE REBUS, but it is not in Sin Mee Heng at Jln Sultanah anymore.  The son has taken over and this shop is located in Jalan Abu Bakar now.
This Mee Rebus is not prepared by Indian or Malay, but Chinese, the first Mee Rebus I ever had.
My two classmates are very busy people! We could only schedule to meet for breakfast at eight on Sunday!
Drrooooool!!!!!! Looks simple to you but heaven to us, it is the taste of carefree childhood of bygone days
Just like any other mee rebus, but the secret is in the gravy....SECRET RECIPE!!!!!!
My friend TBE and my colleague
Another friend of mine, she is a mother of five! and I think she is already a grandmother.
The best and most fragrant coffee that does not need to look "kaw"
After breakfast we went back to my sis's house to get ready for the kampung wedding.

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