
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bye Bye Kancil!

My big daughter drove this car for a number of years

Nippy zippy car that she nips and zips everywhere in while she was in KL

Now that she is in a different country (lucky girl!) her favourite car has to go!

But not before I took pics of every part of the car

All her funny stickers

My youngest is too young to drive!

He will drive it off to be sold

A last pose

Ready for exit
 (ready for the dramatics!)

Can I get in the car now?
Can I drive off now?
Enough photos yet?

The last time it will be in this spacious garden that can take more than 10 cars.
 Am I exaggerating?

Teng teng teng!



......and going..............





  1. I feel like crying again seeing it go out the house without me in it!!!! =(

    The last time i drove it before i flew to Aust on 24th November i took an extra round MRR2, drove slowly and cried and cried! Hahah

  2. My crybaby and "ham pau"....these pics are quite old... Forgot about them until now.

    This car has been sold, but not the perdana.... Nobody wants to buy.. So aunt Millie is using it now.

  3. Ohhh, the Perdana is not sold yet??? It went for sale before my Kancil right? My beloved Kancil... sold like a hot cake, it drinks Vpower. I cannot afford to feed my Starlet Vpower. I gave my Starlet two new wheels last weekend
