
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Follow up on news of Body Parts Murder.

Cops probe ‘lovelorn’ butcher

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011 10:16:00
AMPANG JAYA: Police believe the 'butcher' of Taman Kosas who beheaded and chopped up a woman’s body into 15 pieces with an axe and strangled her five-year-old son had a special relationship with her that went awry.
Sources said the 'love' angle came to light following interrogation of the woman's husband and eight Bangladeshi suspects in connection with the gruesome double murder.
The suspects had been living a few doors away on the same fifth floor of the Chryssa Block, Astaria Apartments, where the macabre discovery was made.
They had been staying at the rented unit between two weeks and a year, and worked as restaurant help, janitors and hotel workers.
The source said a dispute between one of the suspects and the victim, in her 30s, could have led to the killings, adding police were eager to know the level of relationship between the two and how they got connected.

Apartment residents still in state of shock

"We are very sure that both of them knew each other and hope to tie up loose ends soon," said the source.
Selangor police chief Datuk Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah said the husband, a 29-year-old Sabahan, was picked up from his home in Bandar Baru Ampang on Sunday night while the foreigners were rounded up a day earlier at Astaria Apartments and a nearby hotel.
Tun Hisan said the man confirmed the identity of his wife, said to be an Indonesian, through a reconstruction of the body at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre mortuary in Cheras. The odd-job labourer also confirmed the little boy was his son, he said.
He had apparently been searching for his wife and child after their recent disappearance. The man told police he thought his wife and child were visiting a relative or a friend, and thought it not necessary to lodge a missing person’s report.
Tun Hisan said the man was released after a statement was recorded from him.
The Bangladeshis have been remanded until Aug 13 for further investigation.
Meanwhile, Astaria Apartments residents are still in a state of shock following the gruesome find last Wednesday.
The mutilated body parts and internal organs of the woman were dumped in a bathroom, including the toilet bowl, at an unoccupied apartment at the apartments.
The intact body of the boy, crammed into a plastic bag, was shoved into a gaping hole in the bathroom ceiling.
A police source said they recovered an axe, believed to have been used to chop up the woman, from the apartment.
The decomposed remains were found after residents raised an alarm about foul stench emanating from the unit. The high state of decomposition of the bodies suggested the victims could have been killed a week earlier

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