
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Free Cupcake of the Day

Don't you just hate credit card points that expire? 
You collect them for a long time to redeem the goodies
 that you want,
 then it went and expires on you.
Don't you just hate, too vouchers that expire?
I have a lot of vouchers, 
and before I can use them,
 I check the dates 
and they have just "luput" the day before!!!

Expired on 24 Aug 2011 before I could even say "I love Jewels"

A voucher that never expires!
It was specifically pointed out to me
by the person who handed me this voucher,
 I have forgotten who, or when or for what event!!!
 I kept it for a long time,
 as I had no time to check out the outlet.

At last I found it and was able to use the voucher.
It was at a strategic corner,
but well stocked and well decked out

Even has tiny bar tables for eat in

white flowers as centrepeice

 Blue B Vanilla Cup cake with Blueberry




this is what I got: cupcake of the day

Took it back to savour it slowly!!!

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