
Friday, September 23, 2011

My Sister's Awesome Caesar Salad from Marche

I want to show you how my sister makes 
Caesar Salad

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Caesar Salad made to order!
wow, the freshest ingredients and greens!!!
you can see everything that goes in it..
tossing the leaves...
forgot to ask her for a blow by blow account of what leaves....hehehe..
dishing out on the plate...she can made the salad dressing from scratch
deft hands and quick movements...she is a professional
another look at the fresh stuff...any fresher, you have to harvest it yourself
I cannot disturb her, because she is at work, so I shoot her
adding the salmon slice, my best part....
did a little more shooting..
a sprinkle of shredded cheese, and with bits of bacon and croutons, the salad is a satisfying meal by itself....
Satisfied customer

my colleague!
see? after this, I am loathe to order Caesar Salad from other places, simply because, they pale in comparison!
Cheers! join me?
Close-up!! Isn't it awesome!!

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