
Saturday, February 4, 2012

CNY is.....Meeting up with old classmates in hometown

Bee Eng initiated a meeting of old classmates 
in our hometown.

 We gathered at Ann Peng's beautiful home.
 We posed at every CNY props!
 Pussy willows with plum blossoms and red ribbons
We have hardly aged. I think!
 Me? a grandmother? Noooooo!
 Somebody's mother in law and somebody's grandmother!
 Chew Lin the photographer made sure we showed our best angle and best side!
 Big red peonies all the way from 1Utama
 Time stood still for us
 Her home made a wonderful backdrop for our shenanigans
designer furniture with tastefully matched drapes
 We loved her CNY decor too.
We made sure all our photos are enhanced with them.
 We are not mothers, we are schoolgirls once again.
Convent girls are close-knit and we remain forever friends.
 Note her ankle tatts
 Bee Eng the model and Ann Peng the gracious hostess with the mostest
 We five have good careers, wonderful families and a strong lasting friendship.
we had a blast camwhoring!!!
We will do it again next year with more Convent girls!!!

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