
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Private Yoga Lessons at Tanarimba

At Pulai Springs, we had our own private free
massage sessions.
Here at Tanarimba, we had our own private, free,
Yoga session.

 Conducted by our cousin, a qualified yoga instructor!
 Perfect , secluded balcony for an undisturbed full session!
 Here! at the 2nd level! The first balcony was where the men had their small talk.
At the 2nd level balcony, we ladies  had our unencumbered yoga.
 We brought our own mat, I even have a brand new yoga mat! (a movie win)

 Young, supple and nimble, she could cradle her leg like a baby!
 So could she!

 Er, I could not even lift my leg, let alone cradle it,
baby or no baby!
 Every move has a name, sorry, I cannot name any!

  ahhh!!! the part I like best...SLEEP!

Do you like the surrounds? 

Star pose amidst luxuriant. thick foliage.
Andrea is waiting for her hug.

C'mon here!

 AWWWWWW!!!! don't grow up the next time I see you!
 Head balancing act.

Meet our very own private Yoga Guru!


  1. Can i curi ur blog post? Just copy n edit a bit???

  2. Can la...just link back lo after you finish

  3. Wah i need to copy the pix one by one! Lazy to re-edit, will just use pix with ur blog add

  4. Thanks for sharing the updates here
