
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Buying Royal Jelly in Vietnam

In Vietnam, we were taken to a bee farm where this luscious girl gave us a good view of BEES.

In holistic healing circles and popular alternative medicine folklore, royal jelly is believed to have anti aging properties stemming primarily from its amino acid content and broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals. Its reputation for providing fertility and libido assistance is also gaining traction within the holistic community, though little or no clinical research exists to support these assertions. Royal jelly is also widely used as a component in skin care and natural beauty products (from Wiki)
 She doubles as sales promoter, bee pollen demonstrator, and above: as the accounts keeper.
 Here, she is serving us minsicule teaspoons of bee pollen with honey to taste.
 Other titbits are also served, together with tea and honey: good sales pitch
 She takes it everyday and she has this tight, enviable figure and flawless complexion.
 On spoonful with honey taken with meals everyday will make you youthful and virile.
Buy 4, free one

Royal jelly

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Developing queen larvae surrounded by royal jelly
Royal jelly is a honey bee secretion that is used in the nutrition of larvae and adult queens.[1] It is secreted from the glands in the hypopharynx of worker bees, and fed to all larvae in the colony.[2]
When worker bees decide to make a new queen, either because the old one is weakening, or was killed, they choose several small larvae and feed them with copious amounts of royal jelly in specially constructed queen cells. This type of feeding triggers the development of queen morphology, including the fully developed ovaries needed to lay eggs.[

How to Take Royal Jelly (see source at the bottom)
One of the most common questions I get is about how to take royal jelly safely and properly.
Well first of all, royal jelly is most commonly found in one of three forms - either a capsule/tablet, a powder or in its fresh, frozen natural state. I recommend most people use royal jelly in the fresh frozen form as the least amount of processing has occurred in this form. The royal jelly has not been dried when packaged as fresh frozen so more of the valuable enzymes and nutrients remain alive and active. There has even been a study done on the effectiveness of fresh royal jelly versus powdered and the fresh royal jelly showed more activity in the body in that particular study.
 How to Take Royal Jelly:
 Caution As a holistic nutritionist, I always recommend that when starting out with any new supplement and especially products of the hive, you should start out with very small dose's to determine tolerance and to avoid side effects. Allergic reactions are very rare with Royal Jelly but it is better to be safe than sorry. Any type of bad reaction is no fun so start slowly.
Start with 1 cap per day for the first week. 2 per day for the second week and then 3 per day for the third week if need be and so on. It is very potent and if you are smaller in size (under 150 lbs, then I would stop at 2 per day).
 Powder or Fresh Frozen
 Start with 1/16 to 1/8 of a teaspoon for the first week. Work up to 1/4 teaspoon.
 How to take Royal Jelly: Fresh Frozen Dosage - for general health, take 1/2 tsp per day with food.

WARNING - fresh royal jelly is quite bitter and has a strong taste so I suggest you mix it in some honey or jam or into a smoothie. But if you're brave, go ahead and take it straight! Let me know what you think! If the royal jelly you have doesn't taste rather bitter, you don't have real royal jelly. The one problem with fresh frozen royal jelly is that it is less convenient to use. It should remain frozen or cooled long term.
 How to Take Powdered Royal Jelly Dosage for general health - take 1/4 tsp per day with food For those of you who enjoy making protein shakes and smoothies, a powdered concentrate might be best for you. I recommend that you keep it in the fridge or at least in a cool, dry place. Powdered royal jelly doesn't taste quite as strongly as fresh royal jelly, but I still wouldn't call it pleasant. It can also be mixed in honey or jam to disguise the taste.
 How to Take Royal Jelly capsules Dosage - take 1-2 500 mg capsules per day with food. Royal jelly capsules are the most common form available. It is essentially the dried powder encapsulated and are super convenient. They are great for those who travel or who don't regularly consume smoothies. The other nice thing about capsules is that one doesn't need to worry about the strong taste of fresh royal jelly or even a powder.
 How to take Royal Jelly Therapeutically
 For treating specific health conditions, much higher doses can be taken than those recommended above based on the condition and the severity of it. I would recommend you work with a Naturopathic Doctor or someone very experienced with royal jelly when treating serious health conditions with bee products. If you are self medicating/healing, I recommend that you start out with the beginner doses listed above in the caution section and then work up to the General Health dose. Once you've established good tolerance, work your dose up slowly in small increments. For example, if you are using capsules, add 1 capsule per week until you reach your desired dose or result. Increase a powder or fresh royal jelly by 1/8 of a teaspoon per week until you reach your desired dose or result.

 Tips on how to safely buy royal jelly
 How to Take Royal Jelly to Bee Pollen Buzz

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