
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Teacher's Day Celebration at School Level, 25 May 2012

On the last day of the school term, 25th May 2012,
we celebrated Teacher's Day, (which was supposed
to be on 16 May but postponed due to examinations).

 There were many cakes, but I loved this photo friendly cake
 the backdrop at the hall, looks busy, overcrowded, and gloriously beflowered, but effectively attractive!

This is the open hall where we will be entertained to some shows and presentations .
 I do not teach them, but they are always offering to carry bags for me, especially Yuen Yee.

 Cake cutting
 Pledge taking
 Dress code today is BLUE

 Teacher's Song 
 Oath taking

 Charming gifts and tokens from students and a personalised plaque from the KKGS (staff club)

See, we all love it! Anyrai (the IT teacher chose the best pictures from Nasrul's facebook!)

I loved my plaque because I look happy

 Teo liked hers because she looked like a seasoned facilitator
 Chen liked hers because she looked radiant 
Chong liked hers because she said she looked like "Miss Malaysia" nevermind that she is married.

My much loved fellow Form Six teacher
 My head of From Six department

 My headmistress

Making use of her tablet!
My Muet student Izzaty accompanied by talented Dalis

She  performs "Mr Sax O Beat" cabaret style

 My other Form 6 boys (back stage boys and girls), they worked very hard
 A teacher's work is never done! Today being the last day of school, we have to close the register!
 plus hand up the record book (not to mention classes and classes of examination scripts to be marked!)

 But for now we enjoy the colourful dance routine put up by the students.

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