
Friday, June 8, 2012

Popular Bookshop: Fill up all you can

Popular Bookstore had a "fill'er up" campaign
at Viva Home, Cheras.

 They give you a bag and you can fill it up with as many English books as you can and pay RM50
 these are the titles for you to choose from.....hard covers, classics and hard stuff!
 no chick lits, no vampire stories, nothing that appeals to the teenage soul, so my daughter abandoned me...
 Found War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy; heavily bound and hard cover....I had no pretensions to any literary pursuit whatsover since I left the English dept of university, but there it sits, beckoning me......
 this is the guideline on how to fill up the bag, I had two bags...may daughter and I sat down to stuff those I want into ONE bag.........below....after I took it back, I found that I could've stuff thin books down each spine....*regrets*

 the books that I followed me
 Original Version of War and Peace.....salute to Leo Tolstoy
 How many of the 1000 places have I seen? before I meninggal dunia ini??????
 cookbooks with very nice illustrations and heartwarming stories behind each recipe......
and a photo album that I could squeeze in between the empty space of the bag.
 a to-do book: glass painting by Karen Embry.(Painting on Glass and Ceramic)
BTW, my daughter bought 2 regular chick lit books for RM53 (buy one and 50% for the other)
by Sophie Kinsella. (I finished reading one!!.."Remember Me.")

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