
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Classmate's Visit and Mini Reunion Dinner at Jan's

On Friday night (6 July 2012) we had a dinner for our
old friend and her daughter who are in town.
Below are pictures by Jan, the host:

 My "nephew" Oliver and his mom, Sharon with Yew Teng
 Beautiful Lauren, Sandra's daughter

 My good, good  friend, Barry, Jan's husband
 wow!!! Jan's dinner is always sumptuous
 with her sister, Ling
 her photo of me, I look petrified!!!
 Lynette(Yew Teng's daughter) and Choh Guek from Singapore
 Sandra and Sharon, looking slim and svelte
 Gunther, my good friend too, Sharon's husband.
 Kang and Angeline
The following pictures are mine....
 so much food I did not know where to begin

 always the gracious hostess

 at the patio...the desserts

 me and Jan go a long way Standard One...hahahah!!!

 group shot of a night to remember

Golden Girls!!!!

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