
Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy Ghost Story in Star Today

Read this heart warming love story that ended in a wedding for 2 dead persons.

Friday September 14, 2012

Happily ever after-life for couple


NIBONG TEBAL: There was a wedding feast and the traditional tea ceremony but the groom and his bride were there only “in spirit” when their marriage was solemised at a temple, near here.
Groom Yee San wore a black suit while bride Lee Lean Hua was in stunning white.
Nearby was a queen-sized bed, a dressing table and a wardrobe of clothes.
Simple ceremony: Poik Poh Temple chief and medium Kuek Chong Mang conducting a ghost wedding for Yee and Lee. Simple ceremony: Poik Poh Temple chief and medium Kuek Chong Mang conducting a ghost wedding for Yee and Lee.
This, however, was no normal marriage. Both the bride and groom are dead.
Their families honoured the two with a wedding because Yee and Lee were said to have fallen in love in the afterworld. Yee was 60 when he died three years ago and had been a bachelor all his life.
Lee was stillborn 43 years ago when her mother miscarried her during the early stages of pregnancy.
During their “wedding” at the Poik Poh Temple in Bukit Panchor near here on Sept 4 the couple was present in the form of two effigies while their bed, dressing table and wardrobe were all made of paper.
Two feasts were prepared; one for 10 dead relatives, followed by a simple meal for about 20 living relatives.
Interviewed at the temple on Wednesday, the groom's sister-in-law, Ang Bon Hong, 51, said the family had tried to matchmake Yee with several women when he was alive but none of it worked.
“After he died, the family came to know that a certain female spirit' had been in love with him for over 10 years,” she said, adding that he appeared in his youngest sister's dream in July last year to say he has met his Miss Right.
“I came to the temple and told a medium about Yee's wish but he (the medium) said we first needed to find the spirit.
“A week later, Lee's spirit entered the body of a temple devotee and revealed that her family was living nearby,” added Ang.
Some time later, the bride's sister confirmed her (Lee's) spirit had expressed her wish to be married to Yee.
“So, during a chao du (salvation) ritual during the Hungry Ghost month last year, both families met.Through a medium, Lee related the backgrounds of our family and also said she had stopped Yee from meeting other women'.
“Lee also said she used to visit' Yee at his house in Kampung Tong Hai when he was alive. But she didn't say how she fell in love with him,” said Ang.
The bride's brother, Lee Chye, 40, said his sister had never appeared in any of their family member's dream and had only spoken' through a medium.
“We are glad she has found a husband in the afterworld.”

"THEY did not get to meet when they were alive but that did not stop them from getting married in the afterlife.
Lorry driver Yee San, who passed away due to a heart attack three years ago when he was 60, married Lee Lean Hua, who died in her mother’s womb during a miscarriage"

Temple chief and medium Kuek Chong Mang said it was the third ghost wedding he had conducted.
“Situations like these happen when the deceased have unfulfilled wishes or promises from their past lives.
“The timing of their reincarnation also depends on the deeds they have done in their lives,” he said.

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