
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

8 Steps to avoid being a victim of a Snatch-Theft Victim

A WGOIKL(Whatis Going On In KL) 

 Public Service Announcement - 8 Steps to avoid being a victim of a Snatch-Theft Victim and what to do if you become a victim.

Based on police reports and real incidents:
They usually move in pairs on 150cc motorcycles (those middle size bikes). The thieves are usually teenagers but not always.

Prime snatch-theft areas: Colleges, universities, office and shop-lot areas

What can you do to AVOID it?

1. Be wary of incoming motorcyclist whether from behind or the front. Walk on the side of sidewalk that is furthest away from the road if possible. It's better to be safe than sorry.

2. Females are usually the victims of snatch-thieves so be extra cautious with what you are carrying. Males are known to be victims too so don’t let your guard down. For ladies: Try not to carry your purse or mobile phone in your hands while walking). For guys: Always let your wife/girlfriend walk on the inner side of the road with you on the outer side. Snatch-thieves do think twice when they see a man around.

3. Always walk facing incoming traffic. A snatch thief will usually come from behind when you are not looking.

4. NEVER carry your bags/stuffs towards the outer side of the road.

5. Do not answer your mobile phone while walking. If you absolutely must, walk as far away from the road and stay put while talking.

6. While having a meal in a restaurant or mamak (especially mamaks’), do not leave your mobile phone, wallet or keys on the table.

7. While walking, take a look behind your back every now and then. You never know if someone is following you.

8. If you notice someone suspicious following/stalking you … scream or walk into a nearby shop if possible.

What do you do if you become a victim of a snatch-thief?

Follow the following steps accordingly:
1. At the moment of the incident, DO NOT hold on to your bag/belongings to avoid getting dragged along and getting injured. Your life is more important than whatever you are carrying. So, let it go! Try to get a good look at the thieves and take note as many details as you possibly can! Some important things to take note of:

a) registration number of the thief’s vehicle

b) what type of vehicle and model (Eg. Motorbike-Yamaha RXZ, car-Proton Saga)

c) color of vehicle

d) how many thief(ves)? What did they look like? Estimated age? (Eg. early 20s, wearing black leather jackets and blue helmets, jeans, and etc)

2. Inform a friend or family member of what happened.

3. If you still have your mobile phone on you, make a call to the nearest police station of that area and lodge an immediate report. Let them know where you are, what exactly happened and tell them the details of the thieves.

4. If your credit or ATM cards were stolen, call the respective banks to cancel the cards immediately!

5. Proceed to the nearest police station – go straight to the counter and inform the officer on duty that you were just a victim of a snatch thief or “kes ragut” in Malay. The officer will proceed to take your statement, be sure to inform the officer of all the important documents that you lost, for example:
a) Identity card – IC number (if you are a Malaysian citizen)
b) Driving license
c) Credit cards
d) ATM cards
e) Other licenses
- You will be needing all this in your police report to re-apply for your new I.C. and licenses again later
- If you cannot converse in Malay, ask for an English-speaking officer OR get one of your friends who do knows the language to follow you

6. The officer will then inform the inspector on duty of your case and will ask you to go meet him/her – provide the inspector with all the details that you had taken note of the thief – be as cooperative as possible.

7. Once you have given your statement – you will be asked to meet an officer in charge to get the copy of your police report approved. You will have to pay a small fee of RM2 so make sure you have some cash on you. If it is past 4.30pm, you will have to return to the police station the next day to get your police report approved.

8. Do not lose your police report!! For the next few days, your existence and legal rights are dependent on that report. To re-apply for every single document, you will require this report as reference.

9. If you did not lose any important documents. For example, your identity card or driving license – please skip directly to the last step.

10. If it is still early in the day (anytime before 4pm), proceed to JPN – JABATAN PENDAFTARAN NEGARA (national department of registrar) to make your new identity card (IC – MyKAD). If this is your first time losing your IC, you will have to pay RM100 to make a new one. Make sure you have the police report with you. The whole process will take about 25 minutes if the place is not crowded. You will receive a temporary IC while your new MyKad is being made, you will have to return in about a month’s time WITH the temporary IC to collect your new MyKad.

Things needed: Approved police report, RM100

11. **If you do not have a driving license, please skip this:

Once your temporary IC is done, proceed to JPJ – Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan Raya (Department of Road Transport) to get your driving license done. **Before you go to the office, you will need a colored photo of yourself! An instant photo will cost around RM15 for 4 copies. The fee involved in making your new driving license is RM20. You will need the approved police report and your temporary IC to make your new driving license.

Things needed: Approved police report, temporary IC, about RM35

12. Now that these important steps have been taken care of, your temporary IC and approved police report can be used to re-apply for other documents that you have lost. For example:

a) Bank ATM cards
b) Credit cards
c) Other licenses

13. Now that you are an expert on what to do, please do share your experience and whatever you’ve learnt with your family and friends. Even if the police or the government cannot do much about it, We can.

By taking precautionary actions to prevent such incidents, let’s make a positive difference in our community!

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