
Monday, August 5, 2013


I am sure everyone has seen Wolverine by now.
Well it is such a popular movie that I have not managed to get any
free tickets to watch it until now.
Since today and tomorrow is a special holiday for Raya, the three of us
caught the 11.50 am show: imagine: watching a movie on a Monday morning
when everyone else is at work and kids ought to be at school!

The Claws Are Out

More on The Wolverine: 

Svetlana Khodchenkova as Viper

Svetlana KhodchenkovaViper

Yukio actress Rila Fukushima

Tao Okamato as Mariko
Tao Okamoto (Mariko Yashida)
Tao Okamoto
Mariko Yashida

Wolverine with samurai and ninja, two hot Jap girls, and one hot mutant it!!!

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