
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

15 November 2013 My Last Clock Out at 12.30 noon

12.25 at noon
15 November, 2013
Last day of school
.....Everybody is waiting outside the office for me
The clocking out ceremony for me is about to start
It will be the last time ever I am punching out...
I am here first, with Adam the FROG VLE teacher, and I get out my card from the slot
Now, here I am, with the headmistress, all the administrative staff, teachers and form 6 teachers are waiting for the countdown.....
 I pose for pictures first!!!
 I am getting used to all the pomp and ceremony! 

I've even made up myself and chosen my "power suit"!
look at the machine!.....I must make the time on the dot!!
See, it is 12.30 and not 12.29..
oops!! forgot to press the "out" button,
Oh No!!  
some afternoon teachers have clocked in and they have punched the "in" for the 2nd session!

 so I did it again....Pn Ng is taking my "step by step" photos!
 It's in!
 Hahahah!!! Tense moment! 
(Like giving birth????)
 It's out!!!

Pengetua wants to hold the card with me and pose for photos!
 Frontal view taken my M. Nasrul, the school official photographer....his pictures are here

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This is my punch card for November 2013
I have managed to clock in on time every day..
No red marks!
And today is the last time I am punching out
On the Dot: 12.30!!!!

shows the Pengetua for approval...
Beautiful picture, right?

 Pengetua gives me a warm hug....have never gotten so many hugs from her!!!
 Hugs from Pn Nor Alia!

I've also gotten so close to Pn Sharifah, she wept,
and she nearly got me shedding tears too...
Pn Aslinin...
with En Asri, head of Form 6
 my Form 6 teachers come out to give me full support!
 Pn Loo, my namesake teacher gives me a surprise present: 

an external hard disk drive with my picture pasted on the box.....Thanks, Joe Loo

 I am presented with more gifts and souvenirs
 a nice folder file that the Pengetua made specially for students to keep their certificates...

Pn Aida and her husband Khairuddin gives me a beautiful hand crafted by the KH students accessory rack
 En Badrolhisham promises to give me a ride on his superbike some day

Then we proceed to the foyer for the bye bye wave

 as you can see, I keep forgetting to walk in front as I am the main actress, hahaha!!!
Pn Rathi, the Headmistress, En Asri, En Badrolhisham and Pn Siti Saadiah
 words of well wishes and congratulatory remarks
as I embark on a new journey
the official send-off
 at the foyer is the part where  I am waved off
 hugs and handshakes.....first
from the HEM
Young and promising teacher Nor Ain, I have only met her for a few months!!!

 official photo
no tears, I am happy, everyone is also happy for me
 BYE!!! Everyone!!!
 Later I met the afternoon teachers after I came back from some nice celebration lunch.....
My lovely and memorable short 3 years at this school.

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