
Saturday, December 7, 2013

I am inducted as Rotarian Member 6 Dec 2013

Alan invited me to the meeting on Thursday
and informed me that I would be inducted as a member!

I was surprised and did not know what to expect...
it was all too overwhelming for me.

 these two rotaractors from Nottingham University helped me to capture the event

 Alan read out the pledge...

 it was a VERY LONG pledge, and I had to stand for a VERY LONG time, hahaha!

then when the pledge was over, the President Barry pinned the button on my lapel or dress
then he presented me with the certificates

 Jenny, my introducer held out the pledges for me

 other members in attendance
 the presidential table
with other office holders

then, I had to give an impromptu speech,.
(forgot to prepare one), so I spoke from my heart..hehe
I am now the 25th member of the RCPC

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