
Friday, January 3, 2014

Justin Bieber's Believe Movie Preview 2 Jan 2014

Took my youngest to a screening of Believe.
The father refused to go hehehe, I wonder why?
 Anyway, I went because I wanted to see for myself what the hype surrounding Justin was about.

It was on a school night, but luckily it started and ended early!
Me doing the Bieber stance, 
and don't say that I look fat.
 before the movie, daughter felt famished as she came home from school late today and had a late lunch and skipped dinner
 yummylicious mee rebus from the Nyonya House
 Ruby mango dessert, yummy too!
 Tucking in

What? Justin Bieber's concert film Believe bombs at US box office?

Then why are there so many people waiting to see it?

Favourable review of movie here:

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