
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Nasi Lemak Lunch

Went this "famous" place for lunch...

 so crowded!!! even the parking was taken up by tables and chairs and canopies!!
 The name of the well patronised restaurant
 queue for the takeaway orders
 queue also to pay at the cashier
 taking picture of others taking a picture of the queue

 this guy is glaring at me taking his photo!!! so I nonchalantly looked away and made as if I was photodocumenting the place, not him
 the place is packed at noon
 simple decor, reminds me of school canteen
 there!!! I found my family
 they had already given their orders and tucking in
 the cousins and kids
 I am too hot and bothered from changing the car tyre to eat! says Ryzie
 I've already partaken of my meal, this one says

 yummy, yummy!!!! nearly gone!
 chicken rendang!

 nasi lemak with fried chicken
 you can order more plates of hearty fare besides your normal nasi lemak with fried chicken
 beef rendang

 Kuan and Fong

 a fresh order of nasi lemak with fried chicken

 engrossed in food
 engrossed in games

endorsed by me and Ryzie
 endorsed by polititcians and their families
 featured in Time Out Magazine
 even Mahathir and his family came here
 the man himself
 when I left , the crowd was still packing them in!

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