
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

An Austrian, An Italian and a silly mystic plus questionable cockpit behaviour

#‎MissingMH370‬ : Police officer shows the picture of 

unidentified passenger who use a stolen passport traveller. 

Pix by Mohd Fadli Hamzah

The two stolen passports, one belonging to Austrian 

Christian Kozel and the other to Luigi Maraldi of Italy, were 

entered into Interpol's database  but could surface at KLIA 

and slip through!!!!

 Does he look like a Luigi Maraldi...or Christian Kozel?????
 The passenger who used a stolen passport to travel and 

boarded the ‪#‎MissingMH370‬. Pix by Mohd Fadli Hamzah

Identified as from Iran : Pouria Nur Mohamad Mehdrad, 19 

years old, enroute to Germany

Co pilot lets girls into cockpit and also smoked
this is embarrassing....
She's the Aussie girl who flew with the missing Malaysian airlines co-pilot. Now, Jonty reveals all to A Current Affair and her claims have raised serious questions about the pilot's cockpit behaviour.

Meanwhile, the whole world is watching.......

Laughing stock again....

(And I wonder who sponsored his arrival?)


Bomoh in KLIA trying to locate MH370
My God! Don't make me laugh! Idiot, huh?

Also thought I was Red's famous visitors who pass by but 
when you monkey!

The Malay shaman will see Malaysia Airlines MH370 said lost
 airliner flying in the air, said the plane was hijacked by Elf, 
and practices is required to save and so on, are collectively 
the demons and gods. Come on! Monkey go away! Don't 
disgrace at the international airport!

Foreign tourists do not know, I thought M
alaysia not 
cultured yet a lot of people.. ... 
Bomoh in KLIA trying to locate MH370 (Translated by Bing)

Bomoh in KLIA trying to locate MH370.
A shaman, claiming to be able to locate the missing MH370 jetliner, offered his expertise to help the authorities in their search.

Datuk Mahaguru Ibrahim Mat Zin, known as Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP and 1Malaysia Corporate Bomoh said he suspects the missing aircraft was hijacked by elves (buniyan).

"According to my vision,a large black figure believed to be an eagle was seen flying over the plane after which the plane plunged. I have been using my bubu (traditional fishing tool) and bamboo scopes to see the situation there, and I saw that the aircraft is currently suspended in mid air," he said.

Ibrahim who claimed to have solved cases like the highland towers, mystery of villa Nabila, Mona Fandy and others, attracted a large crowd during his 'seeing' demonstration at the international arrival hall in Kuala Lumpur International Airport
— with Soo Kim Thiam.

Kehilangan pesawat MH370 sejak Sabtu lepas turut mendapat perhatian "Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP" Ibrahim Mat Zin.
Beliau berada di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) di sini hari ini, mendakwa dijemput oleh seorang pegawai tertinggi negara bagi menggunakan kaedah ilmu tradisional dan solat hajat.
"Kami menggunakan bubu mata pancing dan teropong yang diperbuat daripada buluh untuk meminta, berdoa supaya melepaskan mangsa-mangsa yang terlibat agar dapat dijumpai secepat mungkin," katanya kepada pemberita di sini.
Beliau yang melakukan solat sunat hajat di kawasan pintu ketibaan KLIA turut mendapat perhatian orang ramai yang tidak berputus asa mendoakan pesawat yang hilang ditemui selamat.
"Walaubagaimanapun, saya akan kembali ke KLIA dalam masa dua hari selepas melakukan doa dengan membawa sesuatu ke sini," katanya.
Pada masa sama, Ibrahim juga meminta orang ramai meneruskan upacara keagamaan masing-masing mendoakan supaya kesemua penumpang dan anak kapal selamat kembali ke tanah air.
Raja Bomoh berpengalaman selama 50 tahun itu menjadi popular apabila memberi perkhidmatannya dalam beberapa kes bencana negara termasuk kejadian Highland Tower runtuh, kes pencarian mayat semasa banjir di Kuala Dipang, Kampar Perak dan kes pembunuhan seorang ahli politik oleh Mona Fendy

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