
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

All your dirty secrets come out when you go through a court case

Their divorce immediately grabbed media attention after Shahanaz filed for a RM400 million settlement, an amount she justified with claims that the son of Sarawak governor is worth “billions of ringgit”

Shahnaz, sister to popular singer Datuk Sheila Majid, previously testified that Abu Bekir has an estimated RM1 billion in assets locally and some US$700 million (RM2.2 billion) in bank accounts globally. 

he had provided his ex-wife with assets worth close to RM4 million and a monthly allowance of RM10,000 for the 12 years since they separated.

he had provided Shahanaz with a bungalow in the upscale neighbourhood of Damansara Heights worth RM2 million, a Cherokee Jeep worth RM600,000, a BMW X5 worth RM700,000 and a Mercedes S Class worth RM800,000.

The bungalow, on the other hand, was bought with a loan of RM1.7 million, while the rest were paid by cash


Taib’s son says found out ex-wife not a virgin on wedding night

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Datuk Seri Mahmud Abu Bekir Abdul Taib arrive at the Kuala Lumpur Syariah Court, November 6, 2013. — Picture by Saw Siow Febg 

KUALA LUMPUR, June 24 — The son of Sarawak Governor Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud said he discovered his estranged wife was not a virgin on their wedding night on January 9, 1992, the Shariah Court here heard today.
The status of Shahnaz Abdul Majid’s virginity has become a key issue in Datuk Seri Mahmud Abu Bekir’s bid to dismiss his ex-wife’s claim for a RM400 million divorce settlement.
“After we were solemnised on January 9, 1992, I found that the plaintiff was no longer a virgin when we were solemnised,” he testified at the divorce retrial today.
Shahanaz’s counsel, however, objected to Abu Bekir’s testimony, arguing that the questions posed by the defendant’s lawyer, Datuk Zainul Rijal, were meant to discredit the plaintiff.
Shahanaz’s lawyer Rafie Mohd Shafie said Abu Bekir’s testimony was damning to the plaintiff, as she did not have the chance to defend herself, having already taken her turn in the witness stand earlier this year.
In her testimony, Shahanaz had refused to state if she was a virgin when she married Abu Bekir.
Justice Muhamad Abdul Karim Wahabt said he allowed the objection as the deeming the “manner” of the questioning about Shahanaz’s virginity had been “inappropriate”.
The Shariah Court judge then ruled that Abu Bekir’s lawyers might include the issue in their submission, as the status of his ex-wife’s virginity is important in determining the appropriate quantum for the plaintiff’s financial claims.
The judge had also denied the plaintiff’s application to expunge the testimony by Abu Bekir, using the same grounds.
Speaking to reporters outside the court, Abu Bekir said he felt awkward about discussing Shahanaz’s virginity.
“I wasn’t comfortable about it,” he said.
His lawyers later explained that virginity is a key determining factor on amounts of compensation.
“In Shariah law, the status of the plaintiff is important. Whether she is a virgin, a divorcee and such will become the threshold for the judge to define the quantum,” Zainul told reporters.
In her divorce papers, Shahnaz, who holds an MBA in finance, is seeking some RM400 million in a divorce settlement, including matrimonial property and “mutaah” (Islamic conciliatory payment), as well as half the assets owned by her ex-husband, including seven luxury cars, thousands of hectares of land in Sarawak, homes in countries abroad and shares in about 15 companies.
According to previous media reports, the sister of Malaysian jazz queen Datuk Sheila Majid, had sought to end the marriage in accordance with the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) Act 1984, citing her husband’s alleged failure to give her “nafkah batin” (conjugal rights) since 2001.
Shahnaz and Mahmud Abu Bekir married on January 9, 1992, when they were aged 28, and they have a 20-year-old son named Raden Murya.
Mahmud Abu Bekir filed for divorce almost two decades later on May 11, 2011.
The hearing for the divorce retrial will resume on September 2
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KUALA LUMPUR, June 24 — Sarawak tycoon Datuk Seri Mahmud Abu...
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