
Monday, October 6, 2014

Poor cows for sacrifice run for their lives during Hari Raya Haji Korban

The last weekend was the Hari Raya Haji Holidays. Many people went back to their hometowns to celebrate "EID" or the celebration of the Haj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
During this day too, cows are sacrificed, slaughtered and their meat distributed to poor families who otherwise, do not get to taste meat throughout the year due to the high cost of beef.

However, last night before I went to bed, I was saddened to see the video of a cow sprinting across the crowded MRRI highway.  It had literally escaped the gallows of death and broke from the slaughter house to run for its life down this busy highway!!!

  1. Lembu korban melarikan diri melalui MRR2 - YouTube
    22 hours ago - Uploaded by asiatalent
    Mengimbau kembali kejadian lembu lari di MRR2 Gombak tahun lepas. Mohon tahun ni tak jadi lagi ...

What I am sad about is that the poor cow was caught and slaughtered anyway by the IMAM.
I would rather it had a happy ending and be allowed to live out the rest of its life at Batu Caves.

In another article, three cows too, escaped in Batu Pahat, my hometown which I had just come back from and ran down busy roads.  They were caught too, one fell into a drain, one was found in the forest, but all were sacrificed in the end!!!!  they were promised to be sent to Syurga.

berjaya ditangkap di Jalan Mohd Khalid dan Jalan Shahbandar di sini.  (they ran and were caught along Jalan Mohd Khalid in Batu Pahat and Jalan Shahbandar)

termasuk ke dalam longkang di Jalan Mohd Khalid (one fell in a drain in Jalan Mohd Khalid)

 manakala seekor lagi dibawa semula ke masjid menaiki lori. (one was brought back to the mosque in a lorry)

masih hilang sehingga jam 6 petang dipercayai berada di dalam semak di kawasan Tasik Merdeka,
(one was lost till 6 in the evening and found in a secondary forest in Tasik Merdeka)

A cow being stripped off its meat, piece by piece after the sacrificial slaughtering and butchering..

Banyak yang takut melihat darah 
saat Hari Raya idul Adha. 
Banyak yang ngeri melihat Sapi/lembu atau kambing dipotong 
Saya juga takut melihat darah dan kekerasan
Penyembelihan Hewan Qurban bukanlah peristiwa kekerasan
Penyembelihan hewan Qurban adalah perintah Alloh SWT
Saya selalu menyempatkan diri untuk hadir di tempat pemotongan dimana hewan qurban saya dipotong
Terkadang saya malah ingin melihat saat hewan itu disembelih dan
diucapkan nama saya,
Banyak yang berkata hal ini lebih afdol
tetapi banyak yang ingin pula berbagi ditempat jauh
dimana kaum duafa lebih banyak
saya rasa itu pun baik
yang penting kita berkurban secara ihlas
dan semoga Alloh menerima Qurban kita...amin...

(do you want me to translate? I can....)

and many accidents occurred in which human lives were sacrificed.

To end I leave you with a selfie of goats/lambs taken before they were sent to the sacrificial chopping board...

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