
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Batu Pahat Mee Rebus from Sin Mee Heng

Every Batu Pahat boy and girl has fond memories of
eating and enjoying Mee Rebus from Sin Mee Heng!

It has moved to Jalan Abu Bakar

Only a true blue Batu Pahat native will enjoy this!!!
very simple: mee ,eggs, potatoes, taugeh, green chilies swimming in potato gravy!!!
But we love it!!!
 We are so excited to get the mee rebus we all love so nostalgically!!!
 G. S has not tasted it for years!!!
takes a nice pic from his wife's 
and tucks in!!
 all of us remember this at one time or another!!!

GS's wife and Beng Chai

 Lee Choo and Lian Tee

Chee Moi

 Chee Moi has a chain of nursing homes and maternity homes so she is on the phone all the time!!
 after mee rebus we adjourned for chendol but it is Malay holiday, so it is closed!! we went for kopi o instead

nice kopi tiam!
 the two Aussies exports love the tea and coffee (local)
kopi o satu!!!
Nice reunion the morning after the night reunion!!!

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