
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Dinner at Seremban Seafood Village

Night was falling and it was wet and cool...we were waiting for Uncle Roger and his family to come back from the Pie Thing for dinner together

 walked around town and had tea at the Square because the famous chendol and rojak place was sold out and closed
 Sun Lun Yik Hotel is now bathed in a surreal blue dusk light
 View of the hotel as the last rays of daylight slowly ebbed away
we are going to have dinner at this place again, having heard so much about it
As usual, it was full
 our group of 9, and we ordered crabs, fish, salted egg chicken, mee and soup

 spinach soup with pieces of pork and fried century egg wedges
 Hokkien Mee
 steamed red snapper
 salted egg battered chicken wings
 the star of the night: Baked crabs!
 Uncle Roger wants to pose with the crabs
 Zene takes some shots for him
 done!!! verdict of dinner: all hyped up and not as good as they come, but it was still very crowded as we left
For dessert, we had this excellent Christmas dessert pie that Ivan made!!! Scrumptious!!!

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