
Monday, January 12, 2015

B1A4 Fan Meeting in Kuala Lumpur.

This story is now TRENDING at BBC, no less!!!

How teenage hugs angered Islamic 

authorities in Malaysia

A video of a Korean pop band embracing teenage girls in Malaysia has attracted heavy criticism and triggered a debate over the behaviour of young Muslim women in the country.
Several girls, giggling and sometimes hesitant, can be seen acting out scenes from Korean dramas with different members of the band, all of which end in friendly hugs. A band member also kisses one girl on the top of her head.
Islamic authorities for Kuala Lumpur, where the meeting took place, have said they will investigate the incident for possible violations of Sharia law, and have called on the girls involved to come forward to assist in the inquiry.
Video journalists: Neil Meads and Tse Yin Lee
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K Pop Boy Band B1A4

K-pop band B1A4 comprises (from left) Gongchan, Sandeul, CNU, Jinyoung and Baro. A Malay-Muslim NGO has called K-pop a Christian conspiracy, saying the "K" stands for "Kristian". Others have urged the authorities not to overreact. -- PHOTO: SPHERE EXHIBITS - See more at:

Latest: Jawi warns tudung-clad K-pop fans of arrest

Jawi had said the action of the girls and band members were overboard and against Islamic teachings, and offended Muslim sensitivities. 
One of the fans in an embrace with a member of South Korean band B14A in this Youtube screen grab. – January 14, 2015. - See more at:

“The new culture is undermining human dignity,”

TGM Events, (the organiser) has issued a statement to apologize and clarify on the fan-meeting session that went viral.

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