
Monday, January 19, 2015

Vigil Prayers 16 January 2015

Uncle was called to the Lord on 15 January 2015 5.20 pm
We attended the Vigil Prayers which was in Chinese 
on 16 January 2015 , 8 pm

 Met James who came all the way from KL to be with his cousin John, He went straight to the parlour and spent time with John the whole night, as he had to leave after vigil prayers since he had to man the education fair booth the next day and also had to drive back to Singapore that weekend to be with his own family. We posed outside the beautiful church
And also inside the church annex,
tomorrow the service would be held in the church proper
 John busy with visitors

with Joanne and Jeff, Jess had run off as she does not want any photos!
the night vigil in session, 
I have not heard the "Hail Mary" and the "Our Father" chanted  in Mandarin for a very long time!
after the prayers I sprinkled holy water 
it has been some time that I have attended any mass
 giving the pak kam on behalf of my bro and sisters who could not come
 part of the night vigil crowd
 John's mum...frail and sickly herself
 Joanne, her daughter in law
me with John's mum Theresa, Uncle's wife
 When everyone had left, we had a quiet spot and were able to take photos with Uncle in his final moments
Kiat, me ,James and John
Cousins who came to lend him support in his hour of grief.
John is an only child, and tonight he is very composed and serene.

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