
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

50 Wedding Anniversary

Went for this 50th Wedding Anniversary Dinner recently (14 December 2014) at Grand Imperial Bangsar.

 50 Years and going Strong!!!

 card designed by their 4 children Richard Stephen Theresa and Vincent...
on the cover their wedding picture, vintage and amazing.
as they are now, vintage and certainly not disadvantaged!
 by coming to this dinner, I get to meet up with myh Cheras School Mrs Cheong
 and my assistant Penyelia Petang, Mrs Lim
 Mrs Loke, Cheong (or Chin) Jenny and me

 you see, we have parted so long, I cannot remember her name, she just got married when I left that school
 Chiang, an ex teacher, and Loke

 The menu

cake cutting ceremony
 Mrs Fung loves Scottish dance and there was  a performance by fellow enthusiasts
 including Mrs Fung herself
 glowing tribute to the couple by an ex headmaster, Hakikat ,who left before I joined the school
Congratulations to Mr. Fung, shown here without his golden wife!

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