
Monday, February 16, 2015

Sau Gong Dinner by Jenny Wong

We had our Sau Gong Year End Dinner last Friday!
It was fun, we togged out in red for the CNY mood, danced and brought food to share

Our Tempua and BK5 group together with our teacher
Me with the Tempua group
 we are the early birds so we quickly posed around the school to catch the remaining light before dusk

 Me with Cyndy, Kelly and friend

 then banquet tables were set up as food came...Shirley cooked for the tempua group and Maggie bought for the BK5 group
 rolled sandwiched
 mee siam
 agar agar
 tapioca cake
 vegetarian dish
 soon keuh from Jenny
 chicken curry

 of course mandarin oranges
 seaweed crackers
 Sau Ling and Maggie
 Yong taufu with soup
 deep fried yong tau fu
pulut rice
 Jenny and her selfie stick

 me and Kit

Kit is nicely dressed 

 then it was time to loh sang

 then time to pose with auspicious words

 the drinks team

 Fong just came
 so did Ann

BYE!!!  this is my instagram pic of me getting ready to go for my sau gong party taken by my maid.

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