
Friday, January 29, 2016

Twins' Full Moon Party

This is the real traditional Chinese Full Moon party for infants who have reached the full one month and is quite a big event for the Chinese. Some have a small celebration at home with a grand meal, prayers and ang pows.  Some have it in a restaurant with relatives and friends.  On 10th January 2016 I attended my ex-colleague's party and she just had twin girls!! Her two eldest are already 9 and 6.

 Held at Imperial City, Cheras where I have been many times before.
Here are the adorable twins, born at 7 months.
 My other colleagues, Teo and a new teacher (did not get her name!)

Food was quite grand...8 course banquet
duck with piglet combo


 The new mother and those of us who could make it today
 cake cutting ceremony

 cute cake with cute babies!
loving dad
 Of course, we had to cuddle the twins!
 Gabrielle or is it Gladys? Hahaha
I bet even the mum herself can't tell them apart...YET!!

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