
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Anniversary Celebrations of RCBB and RCJSC:Such a fun night!

On 27th March 2016 I attended this event.
Held at Hee Loi Ton at Best Western, PJ, it turned out to be a fun night with not a moment of boredom as the events were tightly packed and interesting! 

 You can see PDG Eva, DG Siti and Jakarta president elect signing the sister club agreement. BTW this is also our sister club too, so we felt like we were the first wife!

Theme of the night was traditional costumes and PDG had the chance to wear two outfits.
 This is her second dress that she changed into before she took the podium.
 The first time she took the mike, she talked about the club. The second time she talked about Budi (below) 

 Budi actually sat beside me.  He is so unassuming, humble and polite, I did not know he was a hero of sorts! 

He is featured in en episode of CNN HEROES!!! He is a pilot and with this salary, he and his wife adopted 48 orphans, fed, and schooled them!!! CNN actually tracked him down and did this segment on him and the presenter was none other than Kate Hudson!

Kate Hudson on CNN

 Now Budi Soehadi takes the mike to talk about his new project and new vision.  This guy is amazing!

 DG Siti with her speech

 When Budi cam back to his seat beside me, I thought, I must take a picture with him, but as soon as I pointed my selfie stick, everyone crowded into the picture! hahaha!!
 now all the girls wanted a picture with him sans the men. After that everyone came to my place to take pictures with him!
some of the pics...he could forget about eating the rest of his dinner!

 on stage for the cake cutting..they gave everyone a chance to come up too!
 IPP Jimmy did not want to give up a chance to have a shot with Budi the Hero.
 In this pic I can show you my OOTD, because I am not squashed by people wanting to take photo, when you wield a selfie stick you suddenly become popular!
 I like this picture because it shows PDG Eva, DG Siti and my friends from BU

 wow,,,,,Raymond is so affectionate, so is Tiffany!
 AG Teoh and President elect came and gave us much brotherly and sisterly love muuuahh!!!
 The best dressed couples : korean costumes, sari, kebaya,, they really dressed to the theme for the night!

 Dessert was forgotten and untouched during the excitement and fun!

By!!! These are the Jakarta contingent...maybe we can see them in Jakarta again!

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