
Thursday, April 14, 2016

IWAKL Cooking with Ameo Essential Oils.

Yesterday(Hurray! I am so updated now!) I attended Zija's Cooking with Essential Oil organised by Younnie.

Me and Sandra in Shamsidnar's post!
Below, read what She has written: 
(I am too lazy to tell you what it was about lah)

 Our 3 hardworking organisers 
 chef got a volunteer to help him do demo
 Chef Paul himself!!

 good turn out!!! some vips too
 line up of the essential oils, some of which can be used for cooking
 chicken with essential oils
 Sandra's post 

 Such a beautiful display of salmon tartar...good job chef Paul!  Tasted delicious too!
 ingredients for the cook-off

 Q and A


 Lunch was yummy Indian fare from Trishna!

Me, Sandra and chef!
Below: group shot with chef Paul President of IWAKL and the vips.

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