
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Delivering cards and Ampang Tasik

Followed my husband to Ampang to deliver invitation cards and stopped at Ampang Lake called Taman Tasik Ampang Hilir
I have not been there before as we usually stock up our poke balls at Ulu Pudu Park.
Here there is only one but there are more food stalls ! 
Rojak and cendol!

We had cendol as we just had lunch 
And caught quite a few Pokemons
Then I went to check out the lake
Nice wooden deck for fishing 
Lots of food stalls

Then I sighted Jynx

It's new for me!
Catch me if you can.... Nyah Nyah Nyah!
I used ultra ball and registered it to Pokedex at last... My daughter and husband both had Jynx and I envied them!

Last view of lake ... Lots of sunday people fishing and jogging.
In Ampang Jamie had prepared tea and kueh for us... Luckily we did not have Rojak!
Last stop was back to Midah to photograph the altar for ROM
So that's our pleasant Sunday spent in domestic bliss.

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