
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Laeti the supermodel in the making.

When she was born, her mother the clairvoyant named her after the supermodel Laetitia Casta. She is growing up to be like one.

A born  natural in front of the camera...these series of shots are posed for and taken by her sister!

we did not even know until we viewed the pictures... 

Look! she achieved the perfect pose!!

Cheekily cute!!!! 

She treats the driveway like her runway

and strides confidently with those long limbs

nonchalantly she shashays like the runway is her right of way 

she coyly turns and gives a sidelong glance 

There!!!! a Mini Laetitia Casta!!!!


  1. So cute little Laeti! When will be the next time we see her?

  2. when she gets older than now? lol! go aussie n see her la! we all go... one day togather again!!
