
Thursday, November 26, 2009

New Moon Opening Night

If Grandpa is undergoing second childhood, I am undergoing second teenhood!!! Here I am with my pre-teen going ga-ga over NEW MOON, the second movie in the quad-logy (if got trilogy, also got quad logy mah) of Twilight series. Actually it was first daughter who bought tickets for opening night at Leisure Mall, because she wanted to treat the maids for looking after her so well (people who have sojourned in Australia, like my youngest sister too, really appreciate the fact that Malaysia can still have maids....!!!)

Thanks to the school holidays, we can have the luxury of seeing movies on opening night!!
promotional poster outside the cineplex

Big sis and small sis 12 years year they will be two tigresses (tiger year)
Big sis paid for all our tix!!

see? the poster says : opening night "26 November 2009" Malaysia anyway (I get a kick out of seeing it before everyone else raves about it)

The 2 maids....oops!!! camera shake!!
Even the 2 boys came along (E and my son K)..oooooops!!!! even more camera shake!!!!
Tuti says she has to wait another year for Number Three, by then she will be in Indonesia

Life is too good to last but we're too young to see (BUT OLD ENOUGH TO APPRECIATE!!!)

Now Big girl will read the book, she has a "don't read the book before the show" rule!!!

Taylor you like him? Small Girl like my son or my student lah!!!

Choose me or choose him!!!
Dishy main characters
More eye-candy...posters for you to see

Jacob's secret is revealed...whatssamatter with that girl, either she falls for a vampire or a wolf!

Don't you just love the taglines? "forbidden to remember, terrified to forget" (describes our first loves, our forbidden fruits, our furtive adventures right?)

The pose in the foreground copies the old vampire movies

I got the Team Edward one

Robert Pattinson never says "Tak Nak"

Am I supposed to swoon at his six-pack?

Male version of sultry sexy siren

Stills from the movieSeeing Kristen Stewart as a grandmother gave me hope!!!
All the girls will swoon at this flasher pose

so pretty, I could gaze at her all day
Dakota Fanning got rave reviews

But I don't like her over-made up look..she is only 14

Last year's picture

A sight for sore eyes

Last year's movie.....NOW I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER YEAR for the next one!!!!


  1. I like the posters ^^ so nice! I watched it on Nov 22. I dislike the ending. Overall the movie nice lah... I prefer Edward. My friends prefer Jacob because he is more modern ^^ haha

  2. Nov 22? You must have watched it on DVD or overseas then, am I right?

  3. OOps !! Not Nov 22 ! I meant Nov 28. Sorry ! Watched it with my friends ^^ Lousy ending !!

  4. I thought the ending was ok...the whole show was good bec I haven't read the book..I am young-at-heart!!!!

  5. haha XD jenn lin also said the book is kinda boring... she also said that the ending very lousy =)
