
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Canggih School (IT Savvy School)

One day at school, Pn Munni, the IT teacher handed me a box, and went on to give Mrs Lim another one......hmmmm....I opened it, to find...
(It was a very tiny box!)
.....spanking new speakers for my desk-top PC

I promptly plugged it in and tested them, (Miss Kee helped me of course)...

So desk-top pc is well kitted out (btw, I took home the speakers for safe keeping, my desk is so near the door, it risks being stolen easily)

Next...look at what my Upper 6 Peachers are doing...
They are accessing the net from my lappie

now, my school is very well equipped, every, well, nearly every class has a retractable screen

and an overhead projector

this is new....a table top mains (I don't know what else to call it)

just plug in whatever you need to project your image onto the screen to teach

this is also new....a set of speakers sitting atop a shelf

very high up to discourgae itchy fingers

notice something?

the juxtaposition of the old and new......(new speakers but ancient power cables or whatever you call these)
So old!!!! Must be about 100 years old!!!Psst, btw, my antique house also has one of these too!!!
I hope they just leave them alone, instead of yanking them off, they are as much a part of the school as its history.

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