
Friday, January 15, 2010

My Achievements for 2009

Everyone has done a review/recap of the past, I would like to count my blessings: in this case, my achievements for the year 2009.

1. My APC (Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang).
2. Promotion of Grade from DG48 to DG52.
3. Promotion : from Head of Social Science to Guru Academic
    Tingkatan Enam. (Form 6 Academic  Teacher)
4. Passing my PTK (Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan) Assessment  
    Examination by obtaining the highest mark: 4 for all sections.  
    (Most people will get a 3 but I got all 4...great huh?).
5. Obtaining a 4 puts me on a higher wage scale (P2) with more
    housing and entertainment allowance.
6. Being the first teacher in MBS to get the coveted "4" for DG48
    teachers, ahead of Mrs. Lim and Pn NurMunirah.
7. Winning the Teacher's Day Award for Writing third time in a
8. After so many years of bringing boys for debates and public
    speaking, my student finally won first at state level!
9. Being on the school website.
10. (what? no no. 10?)

Third Win, but first time able to attend award ceremony!

Due to credit crunch, this year's venue was modest, the celebration bare minimum and the food? lunch boxes lol!

The APC that all teachers hanker for.

No trophies or watches like in previous years, only a cert and the styrofoam takeaway lunch boxes again!

1 comment:

  1. Wowww mom u've achieved a LOT in 2009! Congrats!!!! =D So proud of u

    I feel so bad for not getting promoted in 2009 =(
