
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ran Out of File Space for Blog Pics!!

I have encountered a problem: I posted too many pictures, all of them in their original size (En Yusri in his blog course has advised us to re-size, but I did not heed his advice because it took up too much time!) and used up all the file space for photos!!!

So you notice that I have not been putting up any post!

Even my last one was TERGENDALA..... held up due to technical problems!!

Sue, help!!! Get me my own!!!

Or, I may have to delete old posts!!!!


  1. Hi,

    Sounds like a major issue. Hosting can be expensive le aunty~! For a good one including the domain registration can cost up to about RM400 a year. But of course unlimited space to upload.

    A lot more details involved lor. But of course no more using blogspot lor aunty. Have to use Wordpress to blog. So might need to get used to new system also.

    So gotta think abit on how lor.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Elwyn, I have a wordpress to transfer? or start a new wordpress and link this there? or maybe I delete some existing photos to make space for new ones?

  3. Hi aunty, there is and has really limited capabilities as compared to Because requires your own hosting and doesnt need hosting but super limited capabilities. Even less than blogger.

    There are many options. But since aunty blogs so much, better get your own hosting and your own domain. But it depends on your own.

  4. store ur photos here for free. need to copy & paste the html.
    but also advisable to resize ur photos as this also has space limit.

  5. Have to pay lor. The cheap way i do it... is RESIZING all my pictures! Hahahha

  6. @Elwyn...maybe later I get my own
    @Just me...if I use bucket or Picassa (which I already have) the pictures would not appear in the blog, but only as a link...right?
    @Ryan...good idea! but will blogger allow me to create no 2?
    @Sue...what I do now is save and then delete old or unwanted blog posts to make way for new ones! The new post has re sized pictures!

  7. Hahah, good that u finally started resizing. Resize them small, it really helps. So u are going through ur old posts?

  8. photobucket will give you a html code. during posting you gotta change to html, copy n paste the html. then change back to template to adjust ur photo centre, left, right....
    Piscasa can post photo direct to blog but is 1 post per photos... also the same... during posting you gotta change to html,cut n past the code over if u wan all photos in 1 post. Piscasa is quite troublesome. I prefer photobucket.
