
Monday, June 14, 2010

Reunion 12 June 2010

Five years ago these same doctors had a reunion in Kuala Lumpur hosted by a birthday boy. At the same time the Penang chapter mooted a plan for the next reunion to be held in Penang.  It took 5 years for everything to be organised!
at the E and O
It was held at 1885 at the very vintage E & O Hotel in Penang Island!!!

This was the setting for the fine dining reunion party.  Some have not met for 30 years since their parting of ways after graduating as doctors and specialists in their own field. 

"The Penang classmates of year 75/80  wish all our dearest friends a warm welcome!!"

Is it you? Is it really you? Those eyes! that nose! It is you!!!

Some came all the way from London, US and Australia.  She is from California.
This  is my schoolmate from my hometown. We went to High School together and entered Uni of Mal in the same year. Sometimes we car pooled back to hometown on festival days.

He  was quite a lady killer in his  day.  My coursemates Ng FL and D from the English Department swooned over him, they were from the same hometown.
He has lost none of his good looks. BTW, F L and still have hope! He is still single!!!

It was also his birthday!

Live wire of the party: Lin, also one of the organisers.
 She with her friends, did much of the co-ordinating and liasing.

Whether it's handling logistics or taking photos, she takes her task seriously.

Swashbuckling MC who still had a head of black hair!!

The food was sumptious!  The Penang chapter gallantly  picked up the tab for us!

Tailor Made Menu
RM 150.00++per person (food only)
Spicy Herb Marinated Tiger Prawn
With Marinated Cheese and stuffed Lamb in Pimientos del Piquillo
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Cream of Wild Mushroom
Served with Pepper Scallop
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Sorbet of the day
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Main Course
Combination of Land and Sea
Grilled Spring Chicken Breast and Miso Cod Fillet
With Potato puree, Highland Vegetable and Morel sauce
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Chocolate Cannelloni
Served with Mixed Berry Compote and Almond Tuile
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Freshly Brewed Coffee or Tea

Spicy Herb Marinated Tiger Prawn
With Marinated Cheese and stuffed Lamb in Pimientos del Piquillo

Cream of Wild Mushroom
Served with Pepper Scallop

Sorbet of the day (strawberry)
Main Course

Combination of Land and Sea
Grilled Spring Chicken Breast and Miso Cod Fillet
With Potato puree, Highland Vegetable and Morel sauce


Chocolate Cannelloni
Served with Mixed Berry Compote and Almond Tuile

Doctors being doctors: he came and gave  his interpretation of the setting:
something to do with the men's piping and sewerage system.. it was hilarious!!!

can you feel the camaraderie?

time for group shots.  He's not the official photographer, he's also a doctor, like them.

the girls..some have not practised for 10 to 12 years!
then they adjourned to the lobby for more photos
spouses and everyone for a group shot

till we meet again (in Sarawak, the Sarawakians have readily agreed to host) and thank you Lin and the Penangites for being the best of hosts!!!  (Lin even gave us a conducted heritage "walking" tour the next day with lunch thrown in!!)

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