
Monday, September 20, 2010

Cheras School Teachers Reunion

Cheras Gang Gathering!!!
Attendance will be marked for future gatherings!!!
With such an ominous warning, how dare I not go?

At 2, we duly gathered at Mrs Fung's cute little house.
Mrs Lim brought herbal eggs, and this couple has never heard of them, let alone tasted them!
Beautifully crackled, marbled herb-infused eggs! Smelt heavenly!
Many hours have gone into boiling the eggs till the flavour of the herbs has been imbued in them!
Here, smell them!
After a sniff, she said,
"Give them to my husband!"!!!!!!
Much to the amusement of my former colleagues of SMK Jalan Cheras!
What's this? More food?
The proud bringer of the aforesaid treat!
Fatt Koh
To be eaten with a selection of tea...
Russian tea
Mummy Bake cookies
Attendance was marked!
Mrs Lim, Mrs Looi, Ms Chin
Mr.Lee is now my neighbour and Mrs Lim was my assistant Penyelia Petang
A peak at tea time treats
Wow!!!! Yummy tea favourites from Yu Lek Garden Morning market
Hot from the oven and specially ordered for us!!
Pumpkin cake
Radish cake
Yam cake
Mrs Chiang was my next Penolong Penyelia Petang, after Mrs Lim left
Pn Sheila, Mrs Lee
My BFF from Cheras school, we shared boyfriend secrets (hers...she was single then) and we went to canteen together without fail...but now, age has taken its toll, we are now mothers of three!
My cronies from Sekolah Cap Kunci...Mrs Loke, Margaret Poon and Mrs Tay..........till next reunion!!!

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