
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Palate Pallete and Jalan Alor Food Stalls

3 October 2010: Our family Sunday dinner was at Palate Palette, Bukit Bintang, daughter's choice, because she had gone to meet friends at No Black Tie next door before and felt the PP would be a good place for a family dinner.

As the name suggests: 'Palate' is the part where you taste "western cuisine with a twist" eat and meet downstairs (inside or alfresco, which we did) and the' Palette 'part is upstairs where there is "art and space in a mix". Scroll down my pages as I take you on a tour of Palate Palette.
Family time is best with children no matter what their ages!!! We try to go out together as much as we can! Sunday dinners are a must!!!
Palate Palette is situated opposite this chain of Indian eatery inside a secluded lane called Jalan Nagasari, you might miss it if you are caught up with all the nightclubs.

Look! An oasis of calm and a perfect spot for reading while waiting for the rest to arrive! BTW she is reading one of her vampire books that she got me to buy for her for accompanying me to the Gardens Mid Valley to attend Richard Branson's book talk.

wonderful B&B that I will try if I am not a KL think this was once a terrace is still part of a terrace!

A view of the row of nondescript terrace houses where Palate Palette is nestled: right in between Rainforest B&B and Tiara Guest House, next door to No Black Tie. Blink and you will miss it! Would you prefer the above or the concrete jungle below?

The Residences, office blocks and service apartments opposite the original terrace houses of Palate Palette. Many rows of old terraces must have gone under the bulldozer for this!

We stand on the cross-road of Jalan Nagasari and Changkat Ceylon waiting for S and K to arrive. It felt safe, touristy and an absolutely pleasant way to meet up for dinner on Sunday night.

While waiting took more pictures of quaint, tropical-looking Rainforest hotel. The owner has managed to add at least two more levels to the original double-storey house and planted lots of trees and shrubs in a vertical space!  Should have gone in for a conducted tour posing as Singaporean tourists.

The Palate Palette at night.

At last K arrived! Luckily, there was ample parking opposite the place! Free too!

We decided to dine alfresco and picked this spot, it is actually the front porch of what used to be someone's terrace house.

A view of the outside of the house. Discreet and rather nondescript. Some of the original design is still intact I think, or at least, you can still get an idea of what the house used to be like.

See! So nice! My wonderful family! Many, many more dinners to come!

K smiling happily for the camera. Earlier he had wanted out because he was too lazy to get out of his comfort zone to drive all the way to town for dinner!

His Mojita drink of a mixture of "grass" concoction is costlier than some of the main dishes we ordered! LOL! It tasted divine though! RM21

Classics... for the old skool
Mojito 21
Cachaça, lime, soda, mint leaves & brown sugar
Grilled chicken linguini Aioli have to add extra salt to bring out the taste..

Grilled Chicken Linguini Aioli 26.9
Sauteed chicken with baby bak choi
zucchini and carrots in extra virgin oil
Dad's choice: Thai Roast Beef RM19.90...cold and wierd, with the red part looking like rarely done
Thai Roast Beef 19.9
With Japanese dressing on a
cabbage salad. A light entrée
served refreshingly cold mine: Asparagus and Smoked Chicken Penne RM26.90....smoked chicken bits tasted bland to my chili padi conditioned palate
Asparagus and 26.9

Smoked Chicken Penne:Creamy white sauce with asparagus and smoked chicken breast
Little daughter's choice: chicken lasagne any lasagne
Chicken Lasagna 18.9

Layers of pasta sandwiching
minced chicken marinara sauce
with leek béchamel. We dare you!
Eat it layer by layer
Tandoori Spiced Chicken Breast RM17.90.......dry chicken pieces, for tandoori, I only like drumstick where the spices gets into every part of it! note the white pieces of flesh:no spice! not infused with the tandoori gravy!

Tandoori Spiced Chicken Breast 17.9
With roasted pepper mango salsa
Our Bill! As usual, we do not overeat, so we are at a modest below RM200 for a part of 5.

I have to tell you, part of the quirkiness of the place is the furniture...take a close look at our dining table...
It used to be someone's room door! Must be those old solid wood type, because it was redone with metal legs and support, but the peeling paint, holes left by hinges were all left as it is!
Before the food arrived, we took a self-conducted tour of the house. You use this teensy weeny spiral staircase to go up. It reminds you of Alice in Wonderland going down the bottomless hole!

Before that I visited the bathroom (unisex) where there was a huge gigantic hook to hang up my Vietnamese bag from daughter's solo Vietnam trip, leaving my hands free to do my ablutions, I suppose, and noticed that there was no less than 6 types of hooks, hinges and latches (all working!) for the most paranoid of manic depressive sufferers. Not me, I only used one latch (the second one).
The first floor is a haven for artists and those with an artistic bent, or aesthetic leanings. (I have the time if you have the inclination! said Big Ben to the Leaning Tower of Pisa)
Graphic interpretation of unihibited bar girl with semi 3 D glass in hand framed by real frames

Inspired wall murals with tiny picture frames

Overview of downstairs lounge..the part where you can dine indoors..for non-smokers

old disco revolving strobe light, woven spider web hung from the ceiling gave new meaning to the word "world wide web".

Unplastered wall left from the renovation, and pin hole pictures

Psychedelic tribal art with phallic symbols?

The owner boasts a collection of chairs, each piece is different, and none matches!

Victorian, 60's old parlour style armrests, lazy boys, loungers, all of them have story to tell..

Bizarre, semi 3 D birds caught in a bind, (but in uncompromising positions)

Even more bizarre and most decidedly morbid is this giraffe that has been decapitated(with hind legs intact) and lower body stuck at another place
She even managed to procure a horse from one of those carousels.
gigantic foot became the canvas for more tribal art

as elaborate as the peacock himself
not many people will allow this glorious mish mesh of mismatch designer chairs and artsy walls
the place as the night wore on

clever lighting and careful arrangement of seemingly haphazard furniture gave a romantic pic
must be the most patient, meticulous artist who painstakingly, back breakingly accomplished this feat, apart from Michaelangelo or is it Raphael who did the Sistine ceiling murals
this reminds me of the sprinkling of magic stardust by Wendy of Pater Pan and in the movie "STARDUST"

Let me tell you, colourful planks do not make the stairs any less giddy and vertigo inducing

After dinner, Big Daughter suggested we do a walkabout along changkat bukit bintang and adjourn at Jalan Alor for ice kacang.
So bustling and full of stalls and people looking for the best spots to sit.

Supposed to be a leisurely walk but I was too bent on looking for ABC (Air Batu Campur) or Ice Kacang to really enjoy the night walk!

We walked past many sidewalk bars like this....
Sunday night was not part of the clubbing scene, otherwise, K would not be seen dead with his mother and little sister in tow!
this is the "entrance" to Jalan Alor...enter and you will be smack in the middle of a plethora of stalls.

gastronomical delights for budget gourmet seekers with pockets light! (my attempt at being poetic)
Wonderful atmosphere of diners in the most informal of setting, flip flops allowed.

No Ais Kacang, nvm, coconut water did just fine!
Adoi!! My aching feet! Any chair will do. (outside the CC or Cyber Cafe) inside the mamak.
This old Mamak smacks his forhead after supplying me with fresh coconut juice (air kelapa muda) but I was too oblivious to bother how I sat or looked!! I was just too thirsty!
This is the mamak stall hat we had to stop because it was so hot, and there was not a single ice kacang stall in sight! (the rest are all chinese stalls with foreign workers)
Functional, fuss-free, no-frills free-flowing foodstall belonging to the mamak, note there is an Internet Cafe inside where the younger mamak supplies mee goreng and teh tarik to addicted gamers inside!
What a pity we already had dinner! This stall had all the fresh fish and seafood ready to be "bakar"ed! (skewered, slathered and smothered with spices wrapped in banana leaves to seal in all the spices and roasted to perfection)

As night falls, traffic builds up along Jalan Bukit Bintang!!! That's what is meant by the pulsating nightlife of a city that never sleeps means, I suppose!

for more pictures and a great write up read here


  1. ur post is so long i cant read it all or i will exceed my planned internet time! Haha

    - no.1

  2. But you must read!!! All! I spent a lot of time uploading the pics (prime time) and got a bolt of inspiration to write "creatively" for each pic...ha ha ha!
