
Saturday, February 19, 2011

24 January 2011

 Today there was a 3-in-1 so  only a few periods were taken for the launching of Nilam, launching of English and Malay Week, plus farewell for the ex PK HEM.

Students are seated here, waiting for the VIPs to come
They are greeted by the Malay dance troupe and the teachers in a single file.
A silat performance also welcomes them.

Teachers form a line.
 A representative from the Jabatan and the teacher who has transferred.
A malay dance by the girls.
It was also the launching of Nilam, Language and Resource Centre week.

And a farewell

This boy from the afternoon session holds up the beautifully done Nilam placard. The launching was also held in the afternoon for the benefit of the afternoon school.

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