
Monday, February 21, 2011

Wesley and Peach Class Reunion Lunch

Dhilip organised another reunion for Wesley and Peach Form 6 Upper Class because Pn Munni wanted to demonstrate cooking her chicken rice and fried chicken.

Lunch was for 10 people, and Pn Munni and I prepared food for 10 people.
The night before, past midnight, Dhilip wrote on Facebook that more than 20 are coming!
21 students turned up!

most of the Wesley and some Peach students came!
Ying Tong, Nicky, Choy Meng, Joe Wai, Pei Lei,Wan Yi, Li Qing, Wei Yuan, Aishah, Kenny, Kelvin, Mun Hoong Chen Kong, Peng Seng, Wei Yuan, Yuen Wai, Amanda, me, Pn Munni, Yi Wang, Dhilip, Jim, Cheah

my husband's garden which he nurtured and is now matured
Dhilip is always organising get togethers

they are fascinated by something!
my perfume collection!

ladies' shelf

for men/pour homme

time for dessert
Joe the chinese yo-yo expert is also an expert at facial expressions

Kelvin and Cocoa
time for siesta!

I have never seen so many children squeezed on the settee like this!
Pn Munni's chicken rice and chicken were all snapped up

another one for posterity

etched in our memory forever!

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